In turn, you can give this award to as many bloggers as you want, that you find are interesting posters and most friendly. Don't forget to let them know you're awarding them lol. Hopefully this'll encourage more people to become "blogger buddies" (;

"At age 16, a tomboy princess, Princess Anmitsu, has no love interest in her life and worries her parents. Despite their concern, Anmitsu runs away from the castle to venture into the commoners' life. During her daring adventure, she befriends a group of children who make a living by pick-pocketing. At the same time, she finally meets her prince charming Senbei, the leader of the group. However, she soon finds herself in an awkward position when she learns of the children's new plot: they are planning to steal the treasures from her own castle. Will she be able to put a stop to it without revealing her true identity?"Woot for guys that look like girls hehe xD
This is what it looks like...
Here's some swatches in different lighting...
The actual color (IMO) is a peachy-coral pink with a hint of gold shimmer. It's not too sheer and the color shows up well on lips... actually I find it a bit dark (I'm partial to nude shades), but not in a bad way though.
And here's what it looks like applied in different lighting. Like I said, it appears "darker" in real life. It gives a nice subtle shine. I have very dry, chapped lips ATM, so it settled into my lip lines a bit. (Click to biggify!) The third picture is about the closest to what I feel it actually looks like in real life.
And here's my kissy face o(^3^)o~~